FACT: Women all over the world are having babies. It happens all the time and it likely won’t end any time soon. I have recently joined the club and prior to becoming pregnant, I thought nothing of driving and riding in a car and how my growing belly would be impacted by the use of a seat belt. I would imagine that many women and the passengers driving and riding in their cars don’t think about this. The reality is, while a seat belt s important for all passengers, modifications do need to be made for pregnant women. I recently attended an event with several other pregnant gals. Of the 8 of us, only 2 knew how to correctly wear their seat belts. Since that awareness, I’ve become somewhat of an advocate. I will likely continue to spread the word to expecting moms and their families long after I’ve had my own children. Instead of reinventing the wheel, check out this very awesome blurb from Traffic Safety Marketing.

Seatbelt Safety Flier

Please share this post with any expecting moms that you may know.