4. Salem, Massachusetts

The first witch convicted in the Salem #MA, Bridget Bishop, was hanged. Eighteen others followed Bishop to Salem's Gallows Hill, while some 150 more men, women and children were accused over the next several months. There is a memorial marker for eavh of Memorial marker of Bridget Bishop, the first person to be hanged during Salem Witch Trials

This city has been nicknamed Witch City, USA, with good reason… Everything started in 1692 when locals accused three women of witchcraft. Shortly after, the whole town entered into mass hysteria and everyone started accusing neighbors and even relatives of being witches. As a result, Salem Witch Trials became the norm from February to May in that same year. About 150 people were arrested and charged for witchcraft, while 19 others were hanged.

One of the places to visit is Gallows Hill, the site where the 19 hangings took place. Visitors and locals state that the victims murdered there wander around haunting the place. On the other hand, Joshua Ward House is known as Salem’s most haunted place. History reveals that it was once home of Sheriff George Corwin during Salem Witch Trials. Corwin is infamously known for having a major role in Giles Corey’s death. Corey was a local man accused of witchcraft but didn’t plea guilty. Sheriff Corwin placed him under a board piled with rocks to make him talk. Shortly after, the massive weight crushed Corey to death. Now, both Corwin and Corey heavily haunt Joshua Ward House.

Halloween in Salem | Hotel Deals near Salem, Massachusetts

3. Chicago, Illinois

St. Valentine's Day massacre siteWall at 2122 North Clark St. Place where the St. Valentine’s massacre occurred

Let’s look back at the 1920’s in Chicago. It was the time known for gangsters, Al Capone, and the prohibition era. One of the most remembered events happened in 1929 and is now known as “The St. Valentine’s Massacre.” On February 14, 1929 at 2122 North Clark Street, seven men were gunned down against a wall by Al Capone. As a paranormal result, people who walk and live near the site indicate that machine gun sounds can be heard as well as horrible screams.

A favorite place to dump bodies by gangsters, specially by Al Capone, was the now abandoned Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery. It is said to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in America. If you dare to visit, be prepared to witness headstones moving at will as well as strange shadows walking the grounds.

Several other ghost stories and encounters take place in Chicago, and the story of Resurrection Mary is a very popular and creepy one. Mary was a girl that was hit and killed by a car, whose driver’s identity remains unknown. She was buried in a white dress by her grieving parents at the Resurrection Cemetery. People have seen her in the middle of the road not far from the cemetery, asking for a ride. Moments later, she asks to be dropped off at the cemetery and vanishes from sight.

Quick Guide to Chicago | Hotel Deals near Chicago, Illinois

2. New Orleans, Louisiana

Hotel MonteleoneHotel Monteleone located in New Orlean’s Historic French Quarter

It doesn’t come to a surprise that New Orleans is a very, very ghostly city. Its history, including horrible stories of slavery and the related rise of voodoo, lends itself to lots of terrible tales. Be sure to learn about Marie Laveau, who was known as the queen of voodoo in New Orleans in the 1800s.

Several mansions, bars and cemeteries in New Orleans have been said to have a heavy paranormal activity. Within the city limits, there over 40 cemeteries! However, St. Louis Cemetery #1 is New Orleans’ oldest one, and Marie Laveau guards it and haunts it every single night. But don’t stay up all night waiting for Marie; instead, try to rest at a creepier place: the French Quarter’s Hotel Monteleone. Many have witnessed how the elevator frequently stops in the wrong floor supposedly following a ghost couple. Also, the ghost of a boy named Maurice Begere eventually appears near the room where he died.

For a ghostly visit, try the Sultan’s Palace, home to a ghoulish Turkish man who lived a sinful life. He kept and tortured his multiple wives and children here. One night, an unknown person violently killed his whole family and buried him alive. Now he angrily haunts the home by making noises, playing loud music and disturbing women that pass by.

Finally, find the Lalaurie Mansion, home to the evil Delphine Lalaurie. She was an elitist woman who loved to host parties and who pretended to be a nice and caring person. Horrifically, she had her slaves chained in a room upstairs where she mutilated them. One day, a slave chained to the stove tried to commit suicide and started a fire in the kitchen. When others witnessed the torture being inflicted on her slaves, Delphine and her husband were run out of town. Now, Delphine’s ghost and the ghost of her slaves wander the mansion.

New Orleans beyond Mardi Gras | Hotel Deals near New Orleans, Louisiana

1. Savannah, Georgia

Hampton Lillibridge House 507 East Saint Julian Street Savannah’s most haunted home, the Hampton Lillibridge House

Savannah makes the list as our top most haunted city in America, and once you visit you’ll be convinced it is, too. The American Institute of Parapsychology named Savannah as America’s most haunted city in 2002, and it definitely still deserves a spot at the top of our list. First of all, this city was built on top of Native American burial grounds and slaves’ cemeteries, which lends itself to plenty of paranormal sightings.

One of the places you can visit is the Juliette Gordon Low’s house where witnesses have seen the ghost of Juliette’s mom staring out the window or playing the piano. Additionally, people at The Moon River Brewing Company have seen clients get pushed and slapped by the spirits of many men killed there during the Civil War.

One of Savannah’s spookiest stories is about the Hampton Lillibridge House. In 1960, a man bought this house with the hope to restore it. While it was being remodeled, a worker was killed when the roof collapsed on him. After that, people passing by have seen a man in a black suit that stares at them from inside the house.

Finally, if you wish to stay a night in a haunted hotel, try staying at the Kehoe House built in 1892. It’s said that the Kehoes lived there for many years until their twin daughters died while playing near a chimney. Guests at the hotel have claimed to hear children laughing and light footsteps running. You may ask, what’s spooky about that – after all it’s a hotel right? Well, due to its high paranormal activity, this hotel has an adults-only policy.

Quick Guide to Savannah | Hotel Deals near Savannah, Georgia

If you choose to visit any of these haunted destinations in the U.S., we won’t blame you for needing to sleep when the lights are on. What are your experiences with visiting these spooky cities? Are there any other places you’d suggest for a scare? Tell us in the comments or share your photos with us on social media. Happy haunting!